- Morton
School Recent Happenings
- photo courtesy of Carol Stauffer
- Morton
One Room School Reunion - August 24, 2002
2002 annual reunion of students from the Morton, Will, and Gamble
One Room Schools was held at the newly restored Morton Schoolhouse.
The schoolhouse was inspected inside and out by former students,
classmates, and spouses. School pictures, class room artifacts,
memorabilia were displayed and initiated much discussion.
- photo courtesy of Carol Stauffer
After a delicious carry in meal, the former students related
their one
room school experiences and how well these schools prepared them
for their life's adventures.
Plans are being made for this year's 2003 reunion which will
- held
on Saturday August
23, 2003.
- Open
House - August 25, 2002
- August
25, 2003 was also an important date in the rebirth of Morton
- It
was on that hot and dusty Sunday afternoon that the Morton One
- School
Historical Museum opened its doors for the first time to the
- general
- Hundreds
of people poured through the doors and for the first time in
over 40
- years
got to see the inside of the area landmark. For the older visitors
it was
- one
of those rare opportunities in life where one gets a glimpse
at past youth,
- and
for the young it was an opportunity to confirm that "olden
days" did exist.
- Old
photos, grade cards and class souvenirs of Morton School and
- other
area schools
were popular items. Some took the opportunity to
- sit
in one of the old school desks and review some of
the many volumes
- of
school books, a few dating back to the Civil War era. Comparisons
- were
made with current text books and school curriculum.
- Many
visitors lingered and shared memories with others who were also
- reliving
pleasant and sometime humorous experiences as they examined
- the
articles on display. Most left with smiles on their faces.
- We
hope to see them all again this year when we have our Second
- Annual
Open House on August
24, 2003.
- Installation
of the Front Enclosure
- Last
year late in the Fall, before the snow flew, construction of
- front
enclosure began. The design for the enclosure was taken from
- an
early picture of Morton Schoolhouse that depicted what was
- probably
the first enclosure to be placed on the building.
- The
enclosure appears to have been first added just at the end of
- WWI.
A 1917 picture shows the schoolhouse without an enclosure
- and
a photo taken c. 1918 reveals the schoolhouse with a shedroof
- style
enclosure with a doorway centered in the front.
- The
enclosure is still in the finishing process, since it still requires
- a
door to be added to fully protect the front door from the prevailing
- weather
from the south. Perhaps this will be done in the up-coming
- Summer
- Morton
Halloween Event
- The
Spooks and Goblins weren't here, but we did have a
- Magician
who charmed our visitors whether young or old.
- Ryan
Deitsch's close-up magic baffled most of those who
- tried
to follow his nimble fingers.
- We
also had some tasty treats for those who braved the
- cold
weather. But most of all, we made some new friends
- and
enjoyed talking with many we have known for a good
- while.
- Rear
Sloping Sidewalk and Handrails
- For
easier and safer acessibility for all those who might wish to
- visit
Morton Schoolhouse, a very slightly sloped sidewalk was
- added
to the rear of the building. The reverse - folded design
- allows
for the gentle slope and uses a minumum of scarce
- real
- The
sidewalk was poured, literally the day before the first
- cold
spell, with snow and blowing winds trying to remove
- the
straw and tarps protecting the curing concrete.
- After
several weeks, the weather warmed and the removal of
- the
tarps and straw revealed that the concrete cured with
- no
long lasting effects from the cold weather.
- The
sturdy and decorative handrails were added this Spring.
- There
is still a bit of landscape work to be done to blend the
- concrete
with the yard area. Perhaps some plantings of flowers
- and
small shrubs will be done in the near future to complete
- the
- Holidays
at the Schoolhouse
- This
year we had the pleasure of being asked to be a part of the Holiday
- Parade
of Homes for the Shelby area. A 10 foot Christmas tree was
- placed
in the back corner of the schoolhouse and decorated as it
- would
have been 100 years ago. It brought back many memories of
- Christmas'
past that our older relatives have related on many occasions.
- We
were fortunate to have several Morton School graduates (above)
- participated
in the prepartions as well as the open house event. Comments
- from
the many visitors indicated that they too enjoyed the thoughts
- were
aroused by the "Old Fashioned Holiday Event".
- We
hope to make this a regular event on our calendar in the years
- The
First Classes to Attend Morton Schoolhouse
- The
most important events to occur in these recent months, has to
have been
- the
arrival at the schoolhouse of the first student classes to attend
- Morton
School in 30 years. In the month of April of 2003, several classes
- expectant
students spent a portion of their school day sitting in seats
- have
not held students for decades.
- From
the comments of those who were in attendance, it was an enjoyable,
- educational
experience that will be long remember by students, teachers,
- our
staff as well. These classes will be the first of many more that
- continue
this Fall and in the years ahead.
- For
more pictures of our first classes
- click
on the school names below:
- If you have further
questions on the Morton One Room School Events, or if you would
- like to add to
the page, please email us.
- Copyright
© 2003 Morton One Room School Historical Society. Inc.