- photo courtesy of Carol Stauffer
- Morton
One Room School Reunion -
- August
24, 2002
2002 annual reunion of students from the Morton, Will, and Gamble,
One Room Schools was held at the newly restored Morton Schoolhouse.
The schoolhouse was inspected inside and out by former students,
classmates, and spouses. School pictures, class room artifacts,
memorabilia were displayed and initiated much discussion.
- photo courtesy of Carol Stauffer
After a delicious carry in meal, the former students related
their one
room school experiences and how well these schools prepared them
for their life's adventures.
- The
Morton, Will, & Gamble reunions have been held each summer
- the
past years and last year (2005), all Shelby - area one room school
- students
were invited to attend the event. Plans are being made
- for
this year's reunion which will be held in August, 2006.
Morton School Pavilion
- In
addition to the Morton, Will, and Gamble reunions, many other
- groups
have used the school house, the new pavilion, and the school
- grounds
to hold their reunions. Country surroundings and the school
- museum
make this a location unique.
- If you have further
questions on Morton One Room School Reunions, or if you
- would like to
inquire concerning holding your reunion here, please email us.
- Copyright
© 2002 - 2006 Morton One Room School Historical Society.