- Morton
One Room School Historical Museum
bring your camera !
- If
you would like to record your visit by taking photos or videos,
we would encourage it.
- There
will be many memorable occasions during the day that you might
like to preserve
- and
there will be time to do so. We will take a few snapshots of
your class during your visit.
- Since
we will probably not take any videos of your class, if you prefer
that medium,
- please
feel free to bring your video cameras as well.
- We
will try to place at least several pictures of your class on
the web page shortly after
- your
visit, If you have pictures taken during your visit that you
would like to have
- included
on the web page, we will be happy to add them. Your may either
- them
to us, or send duplicate prints and we will post as many as possible.
- If
you have any questions about sending your pictures, please contact
- Copyright
© 2004 Morton One Room School Historical Society. Inc.